Raster Plaster


Raster Plaster connects virtual globes to web based GIS servers.

How it Works

Raster Plaster tells a client virtual globe what images to fetch from a web server to display the client's current bounding box region. It builds an imaginary multiscale tileset based on the configuration of the client and server which allows it to tell the client to fetch the same images for different bounding boxes.

Related Software


OpenGIS Web Mapping Servers

Raster Plaster is currently targeted at WMS servers. It can import much of its configuration from WMS capabilities XML files. The configuration can be overridden to correct scales and other information that may be omitted. A single instance of Raster Plaster can support multiple servers. The following software and servers are examples of what Raster Plaster works with.


Google Earth / Keyhole

Raster Plaster produces KML network links that direct Google Earth to download and display tiled image data from a web server.

NASA World Wind

World Wind has excelent native tiling and WMS server support, and would not be benefited by Raster Plaster.